Demonstration of Various Combinations of iframe and Target

This webpage is not styled to appear correctly on a narrow-screen device since its purpose is only to demonstate that some combinations of iframe and target do not give the hoped-for result. These pages do not require the use of iframes, and the iframes are included only for the demonstration.

Each link on the pages you will be viewing takes you to a another web page, but the linked page may not be meaningful because of the iframe-target combination.



The webpages that will be opened by a user are Studes.html, StudebakerCars.html, StudebakerTrucks.html, and StudebakerSpecials.html. The last two have nothing that is unusual or not straightforward in their html or their style.

The only usual bit in Studes is the inclusion in the body of the statement < iframe src= "message0.html" name= "Several Studebakers" width= "100%;" height="1000px;" target= "_self"></iframe>. This adds the explanation that appears in the column down the center of the page.

The unusual part in StudebakerCars is the inclusion in the body of the statement < iframe src= "StudebakerCarsList.html" name= "Several Studebaker Cars" width= "100%;" height="1000px;" target= "_self"></iframe>.